
To Do List:

  • Weed around base of plants

  • Water plants at the base of the plant. Water deeply avoiding leaves.

  • Prune low lying leaves on tomatoes, eggplants and peppers

  • Prune any leaves crowding the emerging cucumbers and any cucumber leaves touching the ground 

  • Prune yellow or discolored leaves on all plants

  • Harvest: herbs, cabbages & kales, spring planted brussel sprouts, cucumbers, summer squash, beets, watermelon radishes, green beans, jalapeno,  tomatoes, eggplant, lunch box peppers

  • Continue to monitor for insect infestation and signs of disease

  • Turn over soil where crops have been harvested

  • If you have added new fall seeds or seedlings: make sure to keep ground damp to encourage seedlings to sprout

  • Replant for fall or schedule a visit with us to get your fall garden up and running